ELITE is an association of English lecturers of Islamic
higher education within the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of
Indonesia. This organization was established as a forum or facility for the
lecturers to establish communication and collaboration among them in
contributing to educational institutions, policy makers (especially in the
field of education), and the community.
order to increase the accreditation of English education departments at
Indonesian Islamic colleges and universities within the Ministry of Religious
Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, ELITE held a Focus Group
Discussion with the agenda of sharing ideas and experiences about the process
of accreditation with reference to the nine standard criteria of accreditation
assessment. The participants invited in this event were the heads of English education
departments at Indonesian Islamic colleges and universities within the Ministry
of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. This activity was carried
out on January 11, 2023 online via zoom.
heads of English education departments and the teams whose departments have
obtained an EXCELLENT (‘UNGGUL’) accreditation assessment criterion from Lembaga
Akreditasi Mandiri Kependidikan (LAMDIK) were invited as the presenters.
At the first session of the event, the presenters from IAIN Manado, Nur
Halimah, S.Pd., M.Hum (the head of the English education department) and Fadhlan Saini, M.Pd (the secretary of the English education department) shared their
experiences in preparing the documents required in increasing the accreditation
of the English education departments. After the presentation, the participants were given the
opportunity to ask questions subject to the topic discussed.
ELITE president, Dr. Hj. Like Raskova Octaberlina, M.Ed said that the
event aimed to share experiences in terms of increasing English education departments
accreditation. She hopes that it will give
a positive contribution to the heads of English education departments. The president was very grateful to the
presenters from IAIN Manado who have shared their ideas and experiences. Besides,
she also congratulated them for the success in obtaining an EXCELLENT
(‘UNGGUL’) accreditation assessment criterion from Lembaga
Akreditasi Mandiri Kependidikan (LAMDIK) for English education departments
of IAIN Manado. Besides, she thanked all the participants who had agreed to
attend the event.