The association of English lecturers of Islamic higher education (ELITE), in collaboration with Universitas Islam Negeri Professor Kiai Haji Saefuddin
Zuhri (UIN SAIZU) Purwokerto, has successfully carried
out The 11th ELITE International Conference (2023). The conference hosted by the the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Professor Kiai Haji Saefuddin
Zuhri (UIN SAIZU) Purwokerto.
The event presented keynote and plenary speakers from Indonesia and other countries who participated in sharing ideas, knowledge and experiences: Dr. Gumawang Jati, M.A.
(President of Indonesia Technology Enhanced Language Learning), Prof. Dr. Hj. Huriyah, M.Pd. (UIN Cirebon,
Indonesia), Prof. Didin Nuruddin
Hidayat, M.A. TESOL, Ph.D. (UIN Jakarta,
Indonesia), Prof. Dr. Suwito, M.Ag. (UIN SAIZU,
Indonesia), Dr. Mohamed H. Al Aqad
(Malaysia), Colm Downes (British Counsil), Alice Durgayan (British Counsil,
Armenian Branch), Prof. Hisham Al Saghbini
(Cambridge Assessment English) and Prof. Dr. Luis Cardosa
(University of Coimbra, Portugal). Apart from that, there
were also parallel session speakers and participants, who came from various universities in
Indonesia and other countries.
President of ELITE, Dr. Hj. Like Raskova
Octaberlina, M.Ed., said that ELITE International Conference is an annual event held by the association in
collaboration with Islamic higher education institutions within the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition to
improving the quality of English teaching-learning in Indonesia, this event also aims to
establish good cooperation between colleges and universities, especially those within the
Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
chairman of the organizing committee of the 11th ELITE International Conference
2023, Kristianto, S.S., M.Hum. expressed deepest gratitude to the President of ELITE and all ELITE boards, keynote speakers, presenters, participants, the members of the conference organizing committee, as well as individuals involved
to the successful organization of the conference.
The 12th ELITE International Conference (2024) will be held in
Yogyakarta, hosted by the Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) SunanKalijaga Yogyakarta.
Dr. Arif Budiman, S.S., M.Hum., a senior
lecturer of English Literature Department at Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN)
Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta said “It is an honor for us to
have the trust given to our institution as the host of The 12th ELITE International Conference.”